Shoreline Recovery Housing in East Haven

If you are looking for addiction recovery services  and housing in East Haven, CT, look no further. AWOL (A Way of Life) provides a safe, clean, comfortable environment to assist your transition.

Men’s Recovery Sober House – East Haven, CT

Some of the amenities include:

  • Standard or economy rooms
  • Large flat screen television in common areas
  • Community living areas
  • On-site coin operated laundry
  • Air conditioning
  • Off street parking
  • Free computer use and wireless internet access

Benefits of Sober Housing

We’ve written an article called Sober Housing in CT which discusses the benefits of using a recovery home in East Haven to assist in your transition.


We hope you found this article to be helpful and wish you the best in your recovery. If you have any questions or are interested in our sober housing, please call us at 203-996-6055. We look forward to speaking with you.