“The most common accommodation to a disability is that people often need to live together in groups”

An article in the New York Times, When Sober Houses Become Part of the Neighborhood, discusses the struggles that sober housing owners may face when creating a sober/recovery housing residence in the community. One of the best quotes was:

 The most common accommodation to a disability is that people often need to live together in groups …

A statistic cited later in the article about one of the homes discussed was:

… residents who have lived 13 months in one of the homes have a 75 percent chance of staying clean and sober five years out …

AWOL (A Way of Life) of East Haven provides a healthy, clean, and sober housing to help those in transition who have had substance abuse issues in their past. We have reasonable and affordable fees and rates. Check us out! If you have any questions or are interested in our sober housing, please call us at 203-996-6055. We look forward to speaking with you.