Looking for something to do today? Help an addict!

One of the nice things about being in recovery is that we have a common goal, and our personal voyage often coincides with helping others. That is what group sober housing is all about. But what about those who are just out there struggling with their addiction? They could use a helping hand. You can be that hand.  If you think you’re alone in this, you’re not. There are millions out there who have a similar story and could benefit from the collective wisdom of recovering addicts who are sober and encouraging sobriety.

So how can you help? Check out this group on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/addiction/ – if you only have a smart phone, you can grab the reddit app.

Establish an account on Reddit today … you can post your own story or help someone like this person who could use a shot in the arm from a person like you who knows the struggles of coping with sober living.

We founded AWOL (A Way of Life) in East Haven, CT because we know that group recovery is one of the best ways to ensure a healthy future for ourselves. AWOL (A Way of Life) provides a healthy, clean, and sober housing to help those in transition who have had addiction issues in their past. Check us out! If you have any questions or are interested in our recovery men’s home in East Haven, CT, please call us at 203-996-6055. We look forward to speaking with you.

Prefer to send in an inquiry? Contact us here.